Below you will find the information for the major travel hubs within the city.
within the city:

www.sfmta.comFacial Plastic Surgeon / About / Travel
Dr. Elyassnia is proud to welcome clients from all over North America and abroad who seek outstanding patient care and phenomenal results. If you are an out-of-town patient traveling to San Francisco for the first time, please let our patient coordinator know the details of your arrival in order to assist you to the fullest.
If you live too far to travel to Dr. Elyassnia for an initial consultation, there are several options that the doctor can pursue with you. One is to have an interview via Skype or Facetime, which will allow the doctor to view your areas of concern. A lot can be accomplished via email, telephone and the internet, so do not hesitate to call and get started today. Remember that the more photographs and images of your ideal transformation you can collect prior to consultation, including younger photos of yourself, the more the doctor will be able to understand your goals and wishes for change.
within the city:
PO Box 8097
San Francisco, CA 94128-8097
800.435.9736 or 650.821.8211
Customer Relations
Aviation Marketing and Communications
9532 Earhart Road, Suite 205
Oakland, CA 94621
Phone: 510.563.3300
Transbay Temporary Terminal
Station Building
(with waiting room)
200 Folsom Street
Transbay Temporary Terminal
San Francisco, CA 94105
San Francisco Bus Station
200 Folsom St
San Francisco, CA 94105
Telephone Numbers:
Main: (415) 495-1569
Baggage: (415) 495-1555
Package Express: (415) 495-1555
Customer Service: (415) 369-9705